Marrakech: The Magic And The Madness

Marrakech Lifestyle Magazine:MRRKCH

Marrkech City Guide

Friday, September 30, 2011

In the calendar of its temporary exhibitions, the Museum of Art de Vivre in Marrakech opens its new cultural season with an exhibition devoted to the art of the garden in Morocco. Being a great lover of gardens, cacti in the first place, with great pleasure I write on this topic, more and more present in Morocco. The man, from his sedentary worked and modified landscapes. And it has created others. On the thread of time, farming techniques and diversification of cultures and the creation of new plant varieties with biotechnology and breeding techniques have changed and enriched prondamente flora around the world.
The Gardens
If the creation of a garden depends on the sun and weather, owes much to the cultural terrain on which it develops and historical era to which they belong. It can be said that a garden is a synthesis of physicality, of natural pictures, geography, history and culture. The gardens are a reflection of the civilization that saw them born, is not important in this example the names of territories and cultures that created them: Islamic gardens, Andalusian, Japanese, English, French, Italian. So fragile, the gardens have already known by ancient civilizations in different times, are sometimes able to cross time and witness the genes that have created these masterpieces. Dell'Agdal Gardens, Majorelle, Versailles, Doctors, and many others are excellent illustrations the size of their creators. Morocco, the crossroads between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, is characterized by diversity dali landscape and its different climates.

The Sahara

Ref in dense forests, dunes in the Sahara, the Middle Atlas cedraie, visitors discover the Moroccan different situations, both natural and cultivated by man. Due to these differences, primarily the climate, the gardener is always plenty of opportunity to give free rein to his imagination by creating gardens to dream, to relate and love. It reaches the point of view two types of gardens coexist mixandosi in a unique fusion, creating a new form of movement. The photographers participating in the exhibition, Nourddine Tilsaghani Hassan Nadim, Abdellah Mahmoud and Abderrazzak Benchaâmane, have traveled all over the realm Moroccan photographing both the public and private gardens. Their goal is to claim the garden as an ecological and natural heritage, enhancing an art of living in harmony with the nature of Morocco. The exhibition will be visible until 30 November 2011.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Every winter I make this trip to Marrakech to escape the bitter cold of the mountains, desert or the sea, but also because I feel the need to come to terms with what happened that night here in Jemaa, on which hung the feeling of something wrong, even when the two strangers had made ​​their first appearance, which would prove to be the last. In fact, they are my torment. " 
In the famous Jemaa el Fna, the main square overlooking the medina of Marrakech, attentive listeners and passers-by gather around for years to Hassan, a storyteller who loves to recall the story of a couple of foreigners, gone one night a few years earlier . Everyone in the Jemaa el Fna had noticed the young American, bright and beautiful, accompanied by that Indian enigmatic, everyone had been hypnotized, and now seem to see them again appear and disappear in the alleys of the medina, in flashes of images evoked and memories.
Guilty Of Murder

Because everyone has a piece to add to the story that Hassan is trying to rebuild in an attempt to unravel the mystery of quell'inspiegabile disappeared. This' that presses to exonerate his brother Mustafa Hassan, who against all logic has been found guilty of the murder of two young men. Hassan is convinced of his innocence and stubbornly tries thread: why stirs memories and eyewitness accounts of that night. But more evidence gathers, the more the reality seems to be fading, because none of the pieces match with the other, indeed, to every detail that adds further blurs the truth, the facts become more elusive. And those two strangers assume an aura fabulous and enigmatic as their fate, while the reader is led to wonder if Hassan will ever succeed in his intent or whether, with increasing anxiety, he is not part of the mystery that haunts him. 

Desert Of Love

The book carries Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya gracefully from the labyrinth of the medina of Marrakech to the stretches of "desert of love", where the wind and the sand seem to swallow anything in foreign wanderers and vagabonds. "The story-tellers of Marrakesh" overturns the rules of mystery to offer a mosaic of fragments of love that defies anyone to reflect on the nature of imagination and memory, and the links with the truth and beauty. Without intellectualism, with the passage of the grand narrative and a persuasive tone of emotion, in a story that demands to be read with growing urgency to each page. The writer was born in Jamshedpur, India, and lives near New York. Of the first novel was "The Club Gabriel." With "The storyteller of Marrakech" from the beginning of a trilogy set in the Islamic world .
"The story-tellers of Marrakesh" - Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya - Mondadori - 19.50 Euro

Monday, September 26, 2011

Marrakech Art Fair 2011 The second edition of International Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art Fair Marrakech will be held from September 30 to October 3, 2011 at the Palace Es Saadi, with the participation of 45 international galleries to exhibit their most important artists. A dozen new entries since the first edition, proof that this show is reaching an important and recognized quality. In addition to representation, very important, the contemporary scene in Turkey, with six galleries (CDA Projects, IP Artworks, Empire Project, CAM Gallery, Art Gallery and Merkur PG), the halls of the fair will host two of the main actors of the New York scene: Metro Pictures and Edwynn Houk Gallery.
Another important gallery has confirmed its participation in Marrakech Art Fair: This is the Galleria Continua, based in St. Gimignano, Beijing (China) and Le Moulin (France). The scene of North Africa (Morocco and Tunisia) and the MO of the thirteen galleries are represented, including nine Moroccan. The gallery FJ, The Artothèque and Sous Sol Art Gallery have reached the galleries Moroccan Galerie d'art L'Atelier 21, David Bloch gallery, Loft Art Gallery, Matisse Art Gallery, and Galerie Venise Cadre shart-GVCC addition to the two galleries Tunisian Galerie Le Violon Bleu and El Marsa. At their side a gallery in Dubai, Art and Space 'Gallery Arhr of' Saudi Arabia. Among the French galleries mention the arrival of Albert Benamou, Aline Vidal, Daniel Da Prado Gallery, Dix9 Galerie, Galerie Jean Fournier and Besseiche Lartigue, all new entries of this second edition with the Aidan Gallery Russian Gallery and the Gallery Italian Voice. It is joined to the galleries last year: JGM. Magnin A-Galerie Jean Brolly, Galerie Di Meo, Galerie Dominique Fiat Galerie Rive Gauche Marcel Strouk, Galerie Marie Vintoux, Piramidon, and Centre d'Art Contemporani in Spain. The cultural journey of this year testifies to the same extent the ambition of this exhibition combining the best video artists in various projects within the town red. The Colisee, the legendary film in Marrakech, the ESAV (School of Visual Arts) and other venues will host a program desired by the National Center of Plastic Arts with video artists assembled by two sets of collectors: Jean-Michel Attal and Charlotte Jean Conrad and Isabelle Lemaître.

Marrakech Moroccan director Nabil will pay tribute to Ayouch (Oscar nominee) and will present two of his films, as well as a number of young Moroccan artists as Whid and Hicham El Moutanna Jebbari. At the Sofitel will feature the photographic exhibition "Fashion stills, the mode is m'était county," presented by the Polka gallery (Paris). I remind you also that in the former headquarters of the Bank of Morocco, on the Place Jemaa el Fna, there will be an exhibition of photographs and videos by contemporary artists of the Arab world, titled "Images affranchies". I will stop here giving you an appointment at this prestigious fair that Marrakech is proud to host, a major cultural event which brings together art experts, the personality of the Arab world and many fans who find themselves in the splendid Palace Es Saadi, which already applies only the visit. Organization: Art Holding Morocco Expo: Es Saadi Palace & Garden Resort - Rue Brahim El Mazin, Hivernage - Marrakech

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Marrakech hammam ritual: pure moments of pleasure. Hammam treatments, which have been used for centuries, are an opportunity for a delightful moment of peace and calm to awaken your senses. Did you know that one hammam session lasts at least two hours? To start with, you move through a series of increasingly hotter rooms, perfumed with Eucalyptus oil. Then, a hammam specialist
washes you with black soap, scrubs your body with a massage glove to get rid of dead skin cells and (for women) removes unwanted hair with sugar and honey. Lastly comes the deep massage, often with the precious argan oil. Extracted by hand, Morocco's green gold restores the hydrolipidic film, provides increased nutrients and stimulates cellular renewal and oxygenation. It's also an excellent anti-wrinkle treatment. A bath with rose petals or stone treatment complete the experience. Some hammams in the city also offer increasingly luxurious spa treatments.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Beldi Country Club is a green haven of relaxation 10 minutes away from the city.

"This peaceful garden is the ideal place for those who love plant life, like me. Just imagine fields filled with roses and hundred-year-old olive trees under the benevolent gaze of the Atlas mountains. VEHBQBF2QDS5
I was immediately taken in by the species of cactus including agave and aloe vera, the sap from which is great for healing sunburn, for example. Few people are familiar with all the good properties of aloe. The air is perfumed with aromatic herbs like lemon mint and basil, which you find in the hand-made preparations used in the Beldi's hammam and spa treatments. You can leave it all behind with a stroll amongst the groves or along palm-tree-lined paths, following a few tranquil lengths in the club's elegant pools or a simple but tasty meal made with home-grown produce."
Jane, 36, guest-house owner, Belgium
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