Marrakech: The Magic And The Madness

Marrakech Lifestyle Magazine:MRRKCH

Marrkech City Guide

Friday, August 26, 2011

La Mamounia, Marrakech: Few hotels have inspired more glamorous and romantic stories than the grande dame of Marrakech, La Mamounia. The hotel has hosted politicians and celebrities since it opened in the 1920s. In 1943, Winston Churchill asked Franklin D Roosevelt to join him on one of his many visits, describing the hotel as 'the loveliest place on earth'. Alfred Hitchcock used it as the backdrop for his 1956 version of The Man Who Knew Too Much; Hollywood stars including Marlene Dietrich and Charlie Chaplin soon followed.
A disastrous 1980s revamp left La Mamounia looking like an over-iced, salmon-pink wedding cake. Perhaps coincidentally, the glitterati began looking elsewhere for their kicks and the hotel was cast adrift in a sea of memories. Then the French architect and designer Jacques Garcia (the man behind the Hôtel Costes in Paris) was asked to mastermind its reinvention. There followed a three-year, €100-million renovation project, and in October 2009 La Mamounia emerged looking familiar but rejuvenated. Garcia has succeeded in stripping away the 1980s tat and introducing contemporary design without destroying the trademark, Art Deco-meets-imperial-Morocco look.

La Mamounia now has 210 of the most spacious rooms and suites in town. There are also three new gourmet restaurants (French, Italian and Moroccan), and the five new bars include the hip Marjorelle Rooms for a pre-dinner Martini, and the sultry Churchill Bar with live jazz, cigars and whisky for a nightcap.

But if the swanky new 2,500-square-metre spa with its indigo pools and black-and-white zellij(traditional Moroccan tiling) reflects the mood of modern Marrakech, the gardens actually date back to the reign of Sultan Sidi Mohammed ben Abdallah (1757-1790). To stroll along avenues flanked by 300-year-old olive trees to the soundtrack of tinkling fountains and birdsong is still one of the greatest pleasures of staying here.

La Mamounia: Avenue Bab Jdid s/n, Marrakech, Morocco (00 212 524 388682; Doubles from 4,500 dirhams (about £360)
Marrakech: Tourists wandering through the ornately tiled rooms of the late-9th-century Bahia Palace, home to a sultan's vizier, his four wives, 24 concubines and countless offspring, can only imagine the domestic juggling act required to get through the day.

Not far from here, in a jewel-box-like palace of similar vintage, Driss Segueni ponders a more modern problem. Namely, how to provide for the upkeep of a palace bursting with intricate mosaic tile, sculpted plasterwork and areas like slaves and harem quarters that just don't figure into the typical 21st-century lifestyle.
Segueni's solution: Install a retractable roof over the palace's cavernous central courtyard and transform the space and its sumptuous salons into a high-end restaurant. Without the move, this magnificent structure, built in 1904 by a feudal lord and inherited by Segueni several years ago, "would have become a ruin," he says.

Throughout this 900-year-old city, a blizzard of tourism-related projects is underway, even in the midst of the global recession. A who's who of luxury openings in 2010 include hotels flying the Mandarin Oriental and Beachcomber flags, plus the ultra luxe Royal Mansour, owned by King Mohammed VI. Other hotels in the pipeline include a W Marrakech, a Four Seasons, a Raffles, a Park Hyatt and an InterContinental.

The construction boom comes after an ambitious plan launched by the king almost a decade ago to increase tourism to Morocco from 4.4 million in 2002 to 10 million in 2010 by enhancing tourism infrastructure and ratcheting up promotion. Much of the growth is along the country's Atlantic coast, with major developments, such as the 600-acre Mazagan Beach Resort, which opened Oct. 31 south of Casablanca.

PHOTO GALLERY: Modern, exotic mix in Morocco

But at present, no place is generating as much buzz as La Mamounia, one of the world's iconic hotels, which reopened Sept. 29 after a $180 million three-year makeover. Winston Churchill declared it to be "the most lovely spot in the whole world." (A regular guest here, he has a namesake suite, plus the Churchill Bar, with its leopard-print carpet, tufted, red-leather walls and an oversized red lacquered grand piano.) Last week's opening bash drew Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston, among other glitterati.

La Mamounia is the sort of ultra-exclusive enclave where advance notice is required just to get past the doormen. A guest services employee earnestly explains that there's a hidden spa-within-a spa for "princesses, stars and models." Starting rates are just shy of $800, and a trip to the poolside lunch buffet will set you back $100 or so.

A world apart, blocks away

On this day in early November, Hillary Clinton has just checked out of one of its three riads (a Moroccan-style home) tucked away on its 20 acres. Actress Sarah Jessica Parker is ensconced in a suite (she's here filming the Sex and the Citysequel). And what appears to be an Arab sheik, his robes billowing as he strolls through the 300-year-old gardens, is in residence.

As riveting as the people-watching is in these rarified quarters, it's surpassed by the carnival and cacophony a few blocks away at Djemaa el Fna, Marrakesh's sprawling central square. Part bazaar, part public forum, part sideshow, it bustles by day and erupts by night with snake charmers, acrobats, musicians, fortune-tellers and others. At dusk, food sellers set up shop and locals and tourists dine side by side on skewered meats and spicy harira (chickpea and lentil soup).

The grand expanse of Djemaa el Fna dissipates into the narrow alleys of the medina, where a growing number of riads have been converted into small lodgings. Their unadorned exteriors offer no hint of the intricate interiors of mosaic tile, sculpted embellishments and fountained courtyards that lie within.

The riad-turned-lodging phenomenon is a relatively recent development here. Marrakesh's first boutique hotel, La Maison Arabe, opened in 1998 in what had been one of the medina's earliest restaurants. (Churchill was a regular there in the late '40s and '50s.) Current owner Fabrizio Ruspoli added a 10-room wing and spa last year, creating one of the few full-service small hotels within the old city.

The soul of the city

Beyond the walls of the medina lie the Gueliz and Hivernage sections, areas built by the French, who ruled the country as a protectorate from 1912 to 1956. Farther out, a more sparsely populated section called the Palmeraie sports a number of sprawling golf resorts and new hotels, including the Mandarin Oriental opening in early 2010, and a branch of the decadent Nikki Beach swimming pool club.

Flashy new developments and opulent rehabs aside, the soul of Marrakesh lies in its medina, whose walls stretch 6 miles around. Its narrow streets and alleyways defy orderly navigation. (The 220-foot-tall Koutoubia Mosque provides a welcome beacon for the perennially lost.) Thousands of small buildings are crammed into its 2.3-square-mile confines, which are chaotic and messy and utterly mesmerizing. Donkey carts and motorcycles vie for space in its claustrophobic back streets. On the broader thoroughfares, motorized traffic mixes it up with horse-drawn carriages ferrying sightseers.

In the souks, men gather outside cubbyhole-sized shops crammed with carpets, leather goods and everyday necessities to share sweetened mint tea and conversation. Tourist goods abound. (Bargaining is high art here; don't count on ever getting the best of a Moroccan merchant.) But the medina is primarily the domain of locals and many aspects of daily life play out in the way they have for centuries.

In a rustic bakery, the proprietor receives mounds of pillowy dough from his customers to bake in a cavernous wood-fired oven. In a cave-like room next to a neighborhood hamam (public bath), a worker methodically shovels wood scraps into a fire to create steam for the baths. Nearby, craftsmen dip cloth in stone vats of colorful dye.

The scene is truly exotic. But locals like Youssef El Alaoui, a tour guide whose family has lived in the medina for seven generations, have a different perspective.

"Modern life is here," he declares. Pausing at a real-estate office advertising a 2,500-square-foot riad priced at more than $500,000, he estimates the amount is five times what it would have fetched a decade ago. Nearby, workers are laboring in a cloud of plaster dust as they convert an old riad into a small luxury hotel.

"They're doing magic here. It will be magnificent," El Alaoui says. "Marrakesh is losing its heart in one way: It's busier. There are too many cars. Still, these beautiful houses are being given another chance, and that helps save the city."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

They come out at night As the sun sets, Djemaa el-Fna transforms from bargain bedlam into one of the world's greatest open air restaurants. It's been recognised by Unesco as being part of mankind's cultural heritage  his dye is made from poppies," explained the smiling scarf-seller. "It's the colour of Marrakech."

The Red City certainly lives up to its name: from the red cloth drying on the rooftops, to the pink-and- cinnamon-hued walls, to the flashes of terracotta ceramics and crimson bags in the souks. But it's far from a city of just one hue. The marvellous Moroccan Medina town in the shadow of the High Atlas Mountains, long a stop-off for caravans crossing the desert, is Edith Wharton's "great market of the south" - a place where bright colours, exotic spices, herbalists and a hint of black magic waft about the souks' secret corners, wanned by the heat of the communal bread ovens. A place where trading has continued for centuries, but where cloaked men driving donkey-carts laden with vegetables now share the narrow passageways with whining mopcds.
Come dusk, as the muezzins of the mosques call the faithful to evening prayer, Marrakech takes 011 a different aspect. The lights of the Djemaa el-Fna (or Jemaa el-Fna), the Old Town's main square, flick on to illuminate the fruit-sellers, snake-charmers and henna-painters in one of the world's greatest meeting places. Here are traders from the Sahara; buses discharging passengers after long journeys; Berber and Tuareg tribesmen completing a deal; and friends meeting over supper, the fizz, sizzle and billow of cooking smoke filling the evening air.
There are tranquil places to be found in Marrakech, however. Wander (and get lost) down quiet backstreets and you'll find men playing draughts with bottle-tops, while glorious riads - oases of intricate tilework and breezy courtyards - hide behind unassuming wooden doors. A little further outside the city, the elegant Jardin Majorelle is a calming sanctuary of pools and palms.
For the more adventurous, Marrakech is a gateway to experience more of Morocco, perfectly placed for forays into mountains, desert and sea. You can sleep out under the stars and experience Berber life amid the Saharan sands, or try canyoning and rafting in the Ourika Valley (just 45 minutes away) to raise your adrenaline levels. The coastal resort of Essaouira is only a two-hour drive, for more Moroccan culture as well as refreshing Atlantic air. But whatever your choice, you will feel mahabha - the warm welcome of the Marrakechi people.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

THE EMFRY ROAD turns into a track that peters out into desert floor, with holes here and there - mice? snakes? - and even in February the sun is intense. The land stretches out in all directions, shimmering to an uncertain horizon. From out of the heat haze materialises a figure, indistinct as a mirage. The figure takes shape: a young woman, incongruous in jeans and T-shirt, walking out of nothing, two wolf-like creatures circling her.

We are on the edge of the Sahara, in the middle of nowhere. For three days I have been travelling deeper and deeper into Morocco's relatively undiscovered south. The journey began inTaroudant, a city which, like Marrakech, is enclosed in centuries- old walls; but one of Taroudant's attractions is that it is not Marrakech.
Tourists are few. Its Sunday market is the real deal: people, bikes and market carts flow around each other instinctively, like a shoal of fish. Villagers come from miles around to sell their wares: oranges, mint and saffron, and livestock, lowing and farting, which leave their mark long after they have been taken home. (The going rate is around £30 for a goat; a camel can fetch more than £1,000.)
Across Taroudant's spice-coloured rooftops are views of the snow-capped High Atlas mountains in one direction, the rolling Anti Atlas in the other. Below is a maze of lanes and souks, where I'm told you can stroll safely and without hassle, and so I do.
'BonjourV the young men call, and 'Qa vaV My sense of adventure wanes when I realise I am quite, quite lost. So when a calèche pulls up I climb in, feeling slightly absurd, the Queen of Sheba up here in my horse-drawn carriage. But people take little notice, and it is a good way to explore the old city, better than a car for peering into hole-in-the-wall workshops. Vignettes are played out in a film reel of a foreign land: a weaver at his loom; a jeweller stringing beads; a butcher's shop where a baby goat's head sits on a spike, its skinned carcass hanging beside it, testicles bloated in the sun.
In his tracksuit, my driver is something of a boy racer. He yells to groups of girls as we pass, and they giggle and yell right back. I had asked him to take me to the town square, from where I'd planned to walk home. But we twist and turn through unfamiliar streets, and suddenly here we are, at my guesthouse unbidden. How curious, I think; what remarkable intuition! Yet somehow, in this mystical, unpredictable place, it makes perfect sense.
Later, a low sun casts long shadows across the town square, which is hushed yet teeming - if loitering can be described as teeming - with men. Hundreds of men, listening to musicians and wide-eyed storytellers' emphatic tales of magic and morality, or sitting at café tables drinking tea and talking, talking.
'Moroccans love to talk,' says Saïd, my guide in Taroudant. 'We talk all the time, about nothing at all.'
I stay close to him, shrouded from head to toe, wondering where all the women are. 'They want some peace and quiet,' says Saïd with a grin.
I find them in the hammam. It is an unnerving contrast: out there covering every inch of yourself, and then, through an unmarked doorway, taking off everything in front of everyone. This is about as far from a spa treatment as you can get. There are no coloured-glass lanterns to flatter your curves; a single lightbulb, as naked as we are, hangs from the barrel-vaulted ceiling.
My first impression is of flesh, acres of pinkly scrubbed flesh: great, pendulous, watermelon breasts and monolithic thighs. It is a cross between a municipal swimming-pool shower room and a WI meeting. Far from peace and quiet, cacophonous conversation bounces off the white-tiled walls where women sit washing each other and their recalcitrant children. I pick my way through bodies and plastic buckets to a mat, where a matronly type puts me over her knee and goes at me with a scouring pad while I try to relax, self-conscious and rigid as an ironing board. It is painful and unforgiving, but it offers an intimate window into daily life; away from their men, Moroccan women are suddenly uninhibited, warm and welcoming. Besides, I'm making the most of it - I'm not sure when my next hot bath will be. Tomorrow the real journey begins: a road trip through the mountains and desert to see Morocco's little-explored south.

WE ARE TAKING THE SCENIC ROUTE - me, photographer James Reeve and Lahcen, our driver. It is hard to imagine an unscenic route; the scenery is everywhere, we are immersed in it. Leaving the green Souss Valley, the road climbs up into the Anti Atlas until my ears pop. There are pockets of beauty: stepped terraces of green, layered like millefeuille and crinkly-edged with dry-stone walls; almond trees in pale-pink blossom that smells of honey (and the honey here smells of almond). In a valley of spiky argan trees are hundreds of goats eating everything in sight; they climb, somehow, to the tops of the trees for the nuts (the stones of which, once the goat has finished with them, are cracked open and used to make oil).
The road is curiously empty, which suggests we are going nowhere, slowly. There is no reason you can't drive yourself, though having a driver has its advantages: ours also plays the role of guide, translator, historian and geologist. (And I suspect he is under strict instructions from the tour company never to exceed lOOkph, because his driving is nothing like any previous journey I have made in North Africa, the full horror of which, like childbirth, your brain tricks you into forgetting.)
A guide can take you to see caves, for example, formed millennia ago by waterfalls, long dry, the stalactites a petrified likeness. Or to visit Berber villages of mud huts and ancient tradition. To reach them we have to cross a glacial river, and there is no bridge. Adventurer Joseph Thomson, in the 19th century, took three hours to cross a river in the Atlas with the help of several dozen soldiers and slaves, horses and camels. In the absence of horses we leap from rock to slippery rock, to the amusement of the village children, who can do it - literally - with their eyes shut.
In open doorways women bake flatbread and shell argan nuts. One wrinkly old lady, who must be 100 years old, sits next to a great mound of nuts that will surely outlast her, a mobile phone in her lap. There is a village of beekeepers, eerily empty of bees and people; so superstitious are they about the evil eye that they keep their hives out of sight behind walls. In one house we kneel at a table and share a tagine with our hosts, eating with the left hand, then make a toast -'B'saha' - with sweet gunpowder tea.
Higher up in the Anti Atlas, the scenery becomes bigger and barer: there are great folds of red-rock mountains, formed in the Ice Age, their exposed strata looking like a contour map. As we drive, the country starts to unfold. Along the way there is much stopping: to look at the view, to take pictures, to nip behind bushes. Even when you haven't noticed a soul for miles, people invariably emerge. Conversation is limited; James and I call out'Salaam alaikum' ('Peace be upon you') to everyone, with an enthusiasm bordering on derangement, to make up for our lack of Arabic and Berber.
'Salaam alaikumV I call to a man, from whose donkey traditional music blares - a ghetto-blaster tucked under a blanket. He grins and replies, an unintelligible stream of guttural vowels, glottal stops and poor dental hygiene, then ferrets around in his bag and pulls out a couple of snakes: a snake-charmer on his way between villages.
In an oasis in the Tata valley, towering palm trees cast zebra-stripes of shadow across squares of chlorophyll-green barley, and children play football beside the water, watched by herons, until a herd of goats storms the pitch.
Three women in bright hijabs amble over, sequins flashing in the sunlight. They pick up rocks, handing some to me, then hurl them at the treetops to knock down dates. For such petite women they are remarkably strong and excellent shots, and they laugh when my attempts fail. Dates shower down, and they press them into my hands.
It is a delight to arrive at our accommodation in Tata. Dar Infiane is a restored kasbah, a rabbit warren of pretty courtyards and charming rooms cocooned within thick walls. Watch the step and mind your head: some doorways are not even shoulder-height, so you have to bend double and unfold yourself into your room, once you've found it. By breakfast - taken on the roof, looking across the palm-filled valley - the sun is already hot. Calls to prayer come layered from the town's numerous mosques. At the entrance to one, in a reeking backstreet, I glimpse figures bent double and dressed in white for Mawlid, the Prophet Muhammad's birthday, sonorous prayer reverberating around the ornate walls. Outside the town, in the shade of the palms, a celebratory feast is being prepared. Four men stand over the sacrificial cow. I have missed the struggle, but am in time to see the head hacked from the body with knives too short for such a task, the mess of its great neck, red and white and oozing; and the hide peeled away like the skin of ripe fruit.
Tradition endures in Tata. The town clock is 3,000 years old, and the clock-keeper looks not much younger. Lahcen takes me to meet him, and explains: a floating bowl in a bucket of water has a tiny hole in it. When it fills and sinks to the bottom, that marks one hour, and the clock-keeper ties a knot in a piece of string. One man does this from dawn till dusk, every day. It is like hearing a holy man's description of infinity.
We sit with him awhile. A man on a motorbike putters by, white robes streaming out behind him: Lawrence of Arabia on his modern steed, and with a mobile phone pressed to one ear. Phones, but no clocks? 'Oh, they have clocks,' says Lahcen.
Further west we go into the desert, where there is nothing but scrub and the odd miraculous acacia tree. Now and then a person in the distance gives you some idea of the scale of the landscape. There are nomads wandering among the goats; a camel-herder and his camels, perhaps 50 of them; a man chasing a donkey, robes hitched up above his knees.
We have left the road and are in the desert itself when we see the woman in jeans and T-shirt. We stop the car and wave madly, and ask what on earth she is doing out here in the middle of nowhere, alone. 'Just taking the dogs for a walk,' she shrugs, as though it is the most normal thing in the world.
She is the girlfriend of Sylvain, a man who came here from France a few years ago and never went home, and who built the desert camp we are heading for. We may be on the edge of something vast and unconquerable here, but to them it is just their back garden.
Sylvain leads us on foot to the edge of an escarpment and, spread below, on a terrace overlooking the valley floor, are a handful of nomad-style tents. (You may arrive by camel, if you prefer, or ride one into the desert; but bring a cushion.) The tents, woven from goat hair, are basic but cosy, with rugs, a double bed, a table and chairs. It's the location you come for, and the peace: when the wind drops there is no sound at all. A flock of birds takes off suddenly, as though under starter's orders, with a whoomph that seems startlingly loud.
The sun sets fast, red and gold. Like lunch, dinner is tagine of goat, eaten in the dining tent or under the stars. A full moon eclipses the lanterns, casting shadows as distinct as the sun and turning the land silver. I stay up, wrapped in blankets, until the fire burns out, looking up at the constellations and vowing to learn to identify even one; feeling very far away from the world, and yet more connected to it than ever before.

If IN THE VILLAGE OF ICHT small boys appear and offer to show you something, it is less ominous than it sounds: they will lead you into a pitch-black tunnel which winds up to the crumbling kasbah, built when Icht was a caravanserai on a trading route. I am staying at the more modern Borj Biramane, in a stone bungalow that feels luxurious after a tent.
The wind howls through Icht, filling my hair and pockets with dust. It is on the edge of the Sahara, and about as close to the no-man's-land that marks the border with Algeria as you can get. The hotel owner, Philippe (another Frenchman), will take you into the desert in a four-wheel-drive to marvel at the vastness and geological weirdness. Rhino, giraffe and antelope, long since moved on, were etched 5,000 years ago onto cubes of granite that look as though they might have tumbled down from the cliff yesterday. Within such spectacular scenery, the drawings seem paltry and insubstantial: modern graffiti on the face of eternity.
I run up sand dunes and look across lemon- meringue-pie hills, whipped into peaks, to where a moon has appeared in the pastel-streaked sky. It looks huge, and so close, its own highlands and deserts clearly visible. And I might as well be on Mars, in this otherworldly, inhospitable red terrain.
On the way to Amtoudi Agadir the road stops in mid-air. The bridge is gone. Last year, says Lahcen, heavy rain swept the bridge away; a year on, and still no bridge. We steer off the road and over the stones of the dry riverbed.
The agadir is a hilltop fortress, where from 400AD until the 1970s the villagers kept their valuables, from grain to gemstones. It's a steep, 45-minute climb above Amtoudi - quite a way to go for the daily shop - and it is worth starting early to zigzag your way up in the cool shadow of the valley, just as the sun is painting the top of the hills pink.
At the summit, a dude in sunglasses and a jellaba opens the door to the fort with a key made of wood, and shows me round the tiny rooms full of dust and artefacts, and the towers from which sentries must have enjoyed the view. Then he's off back to the bees. Gradually I tune in to the tiniest sounds. The bees are the busiest things I've seen all week. Life passes slowly here. I think of the women shelling the argan nuts, the watchful camel-herder, the clock-keeper monitoring the passage of time in a bucket.
Last stop: Tafraoute. This pleasant, sleepy town in the Ameln Valley, blanketed with almond blossom, is renowned for its beautiful women, and men come here to seek a wife. I will spend my last days hunting for antiques in the souk and lying by the pool at Chez Amaliya, on a terrace overlooking the valley's striking rock formations (some of which were painted blue by the Belgian artist Jean Verame in the 1980s; they blot the landscape like a tattoo, though their scale is extraordinary).
Up on the mountain road, as we approach the Ameln Valley, Lahcen recalls a time he and his grandmother came here to revive body and soul in mineral springs, in a village called Lalla
village - he has an appointment with a carpet-fitter - and it's just me up here with the birds and the
Mlouka, too small to appear on any map. The sun is hot, and the idea of a dip is appealing. But his memory is hazy and we come to a dead end; what was once a village is now fields again. Lahcen asks directions from a group of men, who all talk at once and at length. They gesture left and right. 'They have never heard of it,' says Lahcen eventually.
At the top of a steep hill, we stop and ask directions from a man and his wife. She is carrying a huge basket of wood on her back; he is carrying nothing at all. 'Is that normal?' I ask Lahcen, who looks embarrassed. 'Maybe in the countryside,' he says. 'But in Marrakech, there is a woman who drives a bus!'
No one seems to have heard of Lalla Mlouka. We are about to give up when Lahcen, on a hunch, swings down a bumpy lane. On foot we skirt barley fields, following a spring upstream.
'Here,' he says. 'This is for the women.' He points across a gully, and respectfully leaves me to it. There is nothing here except a concrete cubicle, inside which are three girls, shivering and wet. Behind them the space drops away.
Before I can change my mind, I do something that a week ago I would not have dared to do: undress, leaving my clothes on the dirt floor, and blindly descend the steep steps into darkness. 'Salaam alaikumV I call out. A hand comes up out of the gloom and guides me into the pool, warm and sulphurous. As my eyes become accustomed to the dim light from above, I make out five heads above the water; smiling, offering hands and names, theirs all strangeness and song. And I sink down into the water, fully immersed, in something real, and unseen.

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